Since we kept bringing this topic up with the brown nosers I thought I would just start this topic.
I persoanlly have been in an officer where it was "suspected" and the attention was given to the two but never proven or action tacken by the boss agasit these two. The girl tht was sleeping her way to the top, inthis case to get good reveiws in her intership, finally got the axe due to being late too many times after she was moved from under him. (pun intended)
I have had male and female bosses, and prefere the male due to I dont play the cat shit games, not do I via for attention. I will never just call a friend lookng for a job and get it that way. I want it on my OWN merits. I work now with a married man, with his, and her kids, along with knowing his wife very well. (she was a client of mine before, and was a co worker at this placve not long ago) I tight with her and he knows it. that said, I bring food (like breafast and stuff) and think nothing of it. he does at times return the fav and buy like pizza or something at lunch sometimes.
the boss over both of us I have known for years. we went to school togehter and mike is just a A 1 guy. sister sandpaper, well it not SH that gets her its just her attitude.
I had one girl that I knew that slept her way to the management placement and then got the axe due to not knowing how to preform the required duties.
I have experienced sexual harrassment in the work place more than once pointed my direction. I'm not talking a flirty smile or some sly remark, I'm talking down right put into a possition where my job was at stake! The first dose of "reality" i got was when I was 16 and it was my first job. The asshole manager put me on nights with him and after a few weekends made his intension very clear.....I was floored! I tried to just blow it off and go about my job, but he let me know quick enough that it wasn't a question, it was an order.....I quit the next day!
The next time it happened to me I was caught off guard by a co-worker on a power trip. He was one step up the employee ladder and let casual conversation "slip" occassionally. I blew that off. Next it was the "accidental" brush up...... When I let him know I was uncomfortable with his proximity into my space, he got all defensive and ran to the boss saying I wasn't doing my job anymore and needed fired. He was afraid I would scream sexual harrassment and that he would get fired, so he tried to spin things in another direction.....Needless to say, his ever changing "reasons" for having me fired made his true colors show and he got the boot!
I have seen both sides of it and I think it is all for the birds. If you want a job, do the job not the boss! And if you have a job, sex isn't the kind of work you want put on your desk with the ultimatum of "do it or else".....
Like you Texas, I prefer a male boss over a female. I have seen waaaaay too many games played when a woman is holdin the reins... It's almost like they get competitive in some way or something???? And atleast if a male boss tries to put you on the spot, they are right out there with back stabbin BS....
And your point is???? Don't have one? Well then shut up and I'll give you one!