I was upstairs cleaning a room and calld my daughter..no answer......I suspected trouble, so I went to investigate. Good thing......my daughter was in the garage ....door closed behind her, playing with my husband tools and golf club making items. NOt good.
She rips the door knob covers and escapes whenever she wants....does anybody know of any type of device, aside from a cage, that will keep her inside.
Spankings dont work.....with her. She cries and gets over it and is at again......AAAAGGGGHHH!
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
I have seen door knob covers at like target. they are plastic and an adult you can grasp and open the door. a child can turn it but being little and unable to grab hard, can not. ITs like a cage for the knob.
the chain latch is a good idea also. My mom had hooks on her doors, placed at her level so I couldnt get into the cabnits or out the door.
I have seen door knob covers at like target. they are plastic and an adult you can grasp and open the door. a child can turn it but being little and unable to grab hard, can not. ITs like a cage for the knob. the chain latch is a good idea also. My mom had hooks on her doors, placed at her level so I couldnt get into the cabnits or out the door.
My child is Houdini and rips the door knob covers off. When something is out of her reach, she stacks chairs to get to it. I will have to put a door latch or hook prety high.
After I calmed down and talked to her like an adult without a hormonal disorder..she understood why its dangerous for her to be anywhere out of the house unsupervised. I think. She is pretty good and telling me she is sorry and that she wont do it again....but she does. She is 3 1/2.....I know 40 year old who apologize and stil do things they should't do.
GPOC...duct tape is a brilliant idea and it made me laugh.
I was thinking about doing a conditioning type of thing ALA Pavlov. If I put those First Alert alarms on the door edges..they will ring every time she opens the door, thus alerting me promptly. After a few of those chimes going off and me catching her in the process of escape , she may get the picture. Its not an alarm system, but just an alert , child proof thing. HMMMMMM...Styx has an idea.
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero