WTF is it with my daughters Strep. She is now on her THIRD bottle of medicine for The Strep. She had it, it went away. She got it AGAIN, she took meds it went away. SHE GOT IT AGAIN and now on DOUBLE strength meds. ARGH nothing like green nasty poops.
A monday morning lunatic disturbed from time to time...
WTF is it with my daughters Strep. She is now on her THIRD bottle of medicine for The Strep. She had it, it went away. She got it AGAIN, she took meds it went away. SHE GOT IT AGAIN and now on DOUBLE strength meds. ARGH nothing like green nasty poops.
Perhaps her body has built up a resistance to the antibiotics she is taking...or they arent strong enough for her type of strep. I assume they take cultures of throat things and that helps determine what type of antibiotic the bacteria can be killed with. I had a sinus infection for about a month matter what antibiotics I took. They finally had to give me one that was not on the formulary list for my insurance and we paid over 100 bucks for it and WHAM....the infection went away. Sometimes docs only prescribe meds your medical insurance will pay for and then......those usually are not the strongest she taking any other meds or vitamins? Sometimes other things make antibiotics less effective. Oh...and ....make sure your little angel eats some yogurt with some acidophilus in it.....the antobiotics will kill all bacteria including the good kind we need to help keep our that guys functioning properly. When that happens.....little things like yeast grow and infect other systems. you dont want to deal with that....really......
Are they sure its strep?
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
We were at the pediatric dentist yesterday for them but she didnt go cause the strep. They gave us a few disposable tooff brushes. The med today is double the dose of the last one. They even had to special order it cause it wasnt in yesterday.
As far as recurring strep, the hygienist said her daughter had it NINE, repeat NINE times in a row, until the sliced her tonsils out. No mo strep.
ANYONE have a nice sharp knife??
A monday morning lunatic disturbed from time to time...
Dont be so knife happy.......find out why she is getting it so much before you suggest they do major surgery. I know you are tired, but this could be something as simple as weak medication. Is she taking all of it at the right times......I have made the mistake of taking antibiotics until I feel better and then I just get sick again.
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
believe me, momma makes sure she takes it till its gone. She takes it properly. i think someone at school has it but is jsut a carrier, no symptoms.
Well that blows horrible.....I mean what can you do about that? NADA!
Sorry fpr being a busybody , I just hate the thought of surgery for anybody, much less a child. But if they decide its best for her health, well then...its best. My niece had a problems with her allergies and breathing when they were bad......once they took her tonsils and adenoids out..she was fine.
I still have my tonsils, I am happy to say. I had problems with strep and tonsilitis quite a bit when I was a kid...bad allergies...weak immune system. Once I started allergy shots and this horrid vitamin regimen, I stopped having a problem. I have only had 2 bouts with strep as an adult and one was so bad the doc gave me a shot of antibiotics plus a 7 day series of pills.
Oh well, if she has to have the out..make sure you get her TONS of ice cream! Her favorite......
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
We havent approached that yet with the doctor, just that the dentist hygienist talked about her daugher. I still have my throat hanging thingy too. Tonsils.. Couldnt think of a better funnier thing for that.
I have wacky allergies though, maybe a correlation??
WOW did I just use CORRELATION in a sentence...
A monday morning lunatic disturbed from time to time...
For those of you that care, Guess who has strep now?? MY SON... DOc called at 8;30 and gave us the great news. He didnt have it YESTERDAY when he was in te doctors office but I guess it grew and cultivated. DAMN STREP GO AWAY...
A monday morning lunatic disturbed from time to time...
Throat hanging thingies....allergy correlation....WOW, e-bro; you are starting to sound like me.
You poor folks.......with your ill kiddos. My daughter has been acting odd and there is chicken pox going around. She has been vaccinated, but that does not mean squat these days with all the ramoant mutating viruses out there. she could still get it, but not have it as bad. She has a cold sore in her mouth, but her allergies have been acting up, so that may be a reaction to her body fighting something. I have one too; so something is going around. Great!
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
Its not the end of the world, I mean they take the meds. At least he does without fuss. He has NO SIGNS of it either. At least he's happy to stay home and play Xbox all day...
Iam still on my amox. for another few days. Time to call the neighbors and tell them someone has strep and is giving it baclk and forth. At least its beautiful out today, gonna be about 65 and sunny.
A monday morning lunatic disturbed from time to time...
Its not the end of the world, I mean they take the meds. At least he does without fuss. He has NO SIGNS of it either. At least he's happy to stay home and play Xbox all day... Iam still on my amox. for another few days. Time to call the neighbors and tell them someone has strep and is giving it baclk and forth. At least its beautiful out today, gonna be about 65 and sunny.
X-box all day.......NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Give him a book...a fun book that is age appropriate. I discovered the wonders of Nancy Drew when I had the flu as an 8 year old. I was bed-ridden wth fever and anxious to go climb trees...but couldnt. My sister gave me a Nancy Drew book and I loved it!
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
Maybe I will chase him around outside till he passes out for an hour or two..
He does love to read though, he also loves talking about science and math. Same kid who played monopoly and beat us adults.. Now he is 7. WOnder when he gets his PHD.. or maybe MD..
A monday morning lunatic disturbed from time to time...
Maybe I will chase him around outside till he passes out for an hour or two.. He does love to read though, he also loves talking about science and math. Same kid who played monopoly and beat us adults.. Now he is 7. WOnder when he gets his PHD.. or maybe MD..
Oh yeah..he's the Monopoly playing child. OK..he can play husband is bordering on genius level and too many video games never hurt him. His father is a Navy man and kept his butt in line .....I am sure you do the same.
Let him play and get better. Heck..have him read about germs and how they attack the body. They have child level books for that so he wont freak out with all the gross pictures.
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero