A general name for any man who uses his money to get sex and attention from women. Usually through gifts, cash, expensive dates, favors, rides, etc. Like a John, except not with prostitutes. More like a Mitch.
Trick Off Master
"Yea, T.O.M. over here, gave that stripper his whole paycheck last night! What a dumbass!"
"That girl doesn;t even like you, she's just playin you like T.O.M.!"
" What do you mean you want me to buy you some new clothes? I aint no T.O.M.!"
BlackPony wrote: What happened to the good ol days where people wrote things out? Are we really in that big of a hurry that we need to abriviate everything?
WTF u takin 'bout? U mean like this? Wher everthin is shortr.
TYVm and Im here till Thrusday, try the veal
A monday morning lunatic disturbed from time to time...