I miss my last Sarge. He was awesome -salt of the earth kind of guy with over thirty years service and never forgot what it was like to be on the road. He'd leave the watch commander's desk and help us lodge prisoners.
He used to tell us all the time that we weren't important people, but that we did an important job. He also used to day, that there wasn't a hole deep enough that he couldn't get us out of, as long as we were honest. And that we couldn't fuck up worse than he did as a recruit.
When he was promoted to S/Sgt and was leaving the detachment he told us that once when he was a major crime detective him and his partner got called out to a body floating in the water. It was some woman that had disappeared of a boat a day earlier.
When they arrived she was floating (life jacket on) about 100 ft from shore and that the boat handn't arrived and no one was willing to swim out to recover a day old body. So, someone came up with the bright idea of throwing rocks just past the body in hopes that the ripples would push the body to shore where they use a grappling hook to snag the body. Well of course it didn't go as planned and been the woman a bunch of times with fist sized rocks, but eventually she got close enough to shore.
So, when they finally throw the grappling hook in hits her dead centre between the panels of the life jacket and she takes a deep breath and lets out a blood curdling scream!
Well, at that point they ALL got wet!!!
He said later when they went to interview he ri nthe hospital she was pokedotted with bruises -OUCH!!
When I go back to work I'll have a new Sarge, and he seems like a good guy. I met him a few times when he was a Cpl. on another watch. Though, I find new promoted people have an adjustment period and need a little time to get used to the new position.
Can I please get a fucking sergeant that A) Doesn't have their head up their ass B) Isn't a slug C) Not stand over you like a child and try to slap your hand when you do your fucking job.... Thank you
You can come to work here. My Sgt. is awesome!!!
"You just have to know how to arrest them and still make them like you. We call it technique." Officer Jim Reed
A drunk almost got into the cruiser and sat on my lap the other night.... seems the captain is in the habit of letting him sit in the front seat without tossing him........and taking him home....
I think some people need a life....right Kitty 8)~~ ?
my sgt. didnt feel that it was neccessary for him to back up and officer who found a open door. His reasoning because he checked it yesterday and knew what was going on...
To talk without thinking is to shoot without aiming.