Entre Nous wrote: But Samuel, I want my behind to be more than "not saggy". I'd like it to be firm, high and round. Hee hee hee.-- Edited by entre new at 00:50, 2006-04-07
Damn it, I didn't see it. What the hell.
Ask for permission to join the kewl myspace group. PM me for details and the secret handshake.
Yeah, it is fun for now, but just wait until plush shows up and starts dropping F bombs and attacks someone for something 3 months ago. Have no fear, the newly recruited lesbian will be here!
Hey I figure if it takes a group of you guys to try to mess with her, why not help her. Also, if this is supposed to be a dead issue, why bring it back up? hmmm?
Oh thats right, no real reason, you all like the drama.
To talk without thinking is to shoot without aiming.