He told me that it was for sure that I was going to die. He also told me that he was going to die, but he didn't know when either of us would kick the bucket. So don't celebrate too much, I am gonna be here for the long haul!-- Edited by USofAcop at 22:29, 2006-04-10
ROFLMAO!!! US, you playing with the simple's again?! Now what did me and your mother tell you about that shit? LOL
Well, me and my doctor have a new understanding. I hate him, - And he likes my money! Had some back trouble a while back. BAD! He sent me everywhere for every test under the sun. 20k latter he tells me, let me give you some muscle relaxers for when it gets bad. These were maybe one step above aspirin!!!! So I went back and he told me by law that’s all he could do. I said, "OK, tell you what, let me grab your fucking foot, pull it back and up, stick it around your fucking head and then jab that fucking Pen you're holding in your back! Then, I want to see what you subscribe yourself!!!!! I bet it won't be those fucking muscle relaxers!!!!!"
Well, me and my doctor have a new understanding. I hate him, - And he likes my money! Had some back trouble a while back. BAD! He sent me everywhere for every test under the sun. 20k latter he tells me, let me give you some muscle relaxers for when it gets bad. These were maybe one step above aspirin!!!! So I went back and he told me by law that’s all he could do. I said, "OK, tell you what, let me grab your fucking foot, pull it back and up, stick it around your fucking head and then jab that fucking Pen you're holding in your back! Then, I want to see what you subscribe yourself!!!!! I bet it won't be those fucking muscle relaxers!!!!!" So what's wrong with you?
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time. - Green Day
O, and I should mention. After 20k of test,,,,, did I mention 20k of FUCKING TEST!!!! Not just x-rays and MRI's,, NOOOOO. Electro shocks, needles, you fucking name it!!! So, after my “wanting to bend my doctor in half”, I decided, " you know, pain like this SUCKS! I need something that kills pain!" So I begin my guest! So I found this (candy man). He gives me something called, "pain killers". What a fucking concept! After a week of those I understood colors much better, o and wasn't in as much pain. Woke up one day and pain was gone! Quit taking the pain killers and life is normal again! So, from my point of view, this doctor, (because of the law), made me suffer like I have never suffered before, for weeks for no fucking reason. YEP, little happy about that!
It is not the law, he can prescribe whatever he wants. There are just so many "seekers" out there that they really are reluctant to do it any more. But he will be happy to send you the bill for 20k!
Last year when I was kocking at deaths door, before I was diagnosed, I was sick then a fucking dog, and I was paying out all this $$ trying to find out what was wrong. Finally I wen to a new doc and he pegged it as I walked in the door. Well I had gotten an HIV test fromt he original doc, but he never disclosed the results to me, nor treated me for it. he never said i didn't have it, he just never said that i did. None of the test show anything, I assumed that was a NEG hiv test. Well about 3 months later I get a phone call from Disese Control (state agency) wanting to know who I have had sex with since birth.... Through the conversation she keeps refering to Dr. SO & SO's office reported it, as is required by law.... I am like WTF!! That fuck head would have just let me die.
AND before you go there, can't find an Attorney to take it. If I was bumped into in a rear end fender bender, I would have them lined up for miles trying to get the case.
Yep, that sounds like typical bullshit. I got to tell you, after this ordeal I bought I bunch of med books and found some good candy men and I have been doing much better in life. LOL