Thought this would be interesting.
Please post your local gas prices as they are today. Also post the area of the country you are in.
Fuckin 2.79 in Iowa
2.89 yesterday....2.76 today.
In Texas.
Once it hits 3 bucks, we are all going to start riding our horses everywhere and screw the gas companies for raping us with their price teasing.
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
It was 2.92 when I went to get gas on Tuesday. I paid like $50.00.
California here.... I think California is the highest....
I actually see gas stations here in Ohio, higher priced than that never thought I would see that happen
Photogrrlz wrote:BBB, I actually see gas stations here in Ohio, higher priced than that never thought I would see that happen
Wow... that is surprising.
between 2.86 and 2.99.
depends on where its located, how far the next one uop the road is and....what brand/ store your pulling into.
Central California Coast $3.279
$2.89 - $3.10