Who does them, what do you do and how often. If you have done them in the past same questions. Just curious. What are your opinions of legalizing drugs or certain drugs? I have tried cocaine and marijuana. And some miscellaneous pills that someone handed me in high school.
I am undecided about legalizing drugs, but I'm fine so far as marijuana being legalized for medicinal use.
-- Edited by entre new at 16:50, 2006-05-07
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time. - Green Day
Through the years I've tried most everything but I haven't used anything for years now.
I think some should be decriminalized or legalized but in reality for most people it wouldn't matter because employers would still prohibit them. I'm not advocating their irresponsible use, they should be regulated at least as strictly as alcohol.
This is what I think is insanely stupid.
Out of every drug both legal or not what does the government spend kazillions of dollars fighting and bombarding us with idiotic commercials about? Pot. The least harmful. Every other one is has more potential to cause harm to the user and the people around them than pot does.
And the dumbass arguement it's a "gateway" drug is preposterous. Then water is a gateway to alcohol abuse. Most people can decide for themselves what to do. If they are held hostage by their actions they should blame themselves. The only reason pot may give way to other drugs is because since drug testing has been in place it's become well known it stays in the body far longer than most if not all the others.
How about some government warnings on inhalants, or prescription drug abuse, or date rape, or the choking game? Maybe saving lives would be a better way to spend our money than preventing the munchies.
I understnad what they do to people and to unborn children. I also see the devastaion of the legal consequences people rack up due to not understanding what to do and how to stop. The most abused drug is a legal drug.....alcohol. OF course one of the first things people dont understand that if they are not drinking in the way its intended, or if they are drinking enough to legally be drunk .....thats no longer legal.
any thing can be considered an addiction. its a BEHAVIOR. we have made it a alcohol and drug problem/ addiction but in the DSM IV its any behavior that you do, that gives you negative consequences, and problems.
I tried pot maybe 5 times its been over 10 yrs ago. I might drink a couple of shots of rum or vodka before bed ( to help me sleep ) . I have been quit smoking this time for 11 months. I am one of those people that will quit smoking for a couple of years and start back, well and quit again and start back.....i believe the longest time I have been quit so far is 3 yrs. I was thinking about buying a pack yesterday!!!!
If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit.
I used to smoke cigarettes and pot, stopped smoking cigarettes about 5 years ago and last smoked pot about 9 years ago.
Had some fun on pot though, I used to work in a carpet store as a salesman, which had a snooker hall above it.
The manager would often bring some pot in with him, and we would phone the snooker hall and tell them to send some beers down to us, then we would get off our heads, luckily we never got too many customers, but if we did I used to have to leave it to the manager to serve them because I would burst out laughing at the silliest of things.
If we didn't get any customers then we would keep ourselves busy by having fire extinguisher fights, that stuff is really cold when it hits you.
Driving home afterwards was a bit of a problem though, and i would often phone my mate up who worked in a bank around the corner to the shop, so that he could come and drive my car home for me.
Personally, I don't give a shit what anyone does as long as it doesn't go so far to effect anyone around them. And by effect I mean harm! (2nd hand smoke doesn't count!!!!!)
That being said, I was one of those assholes as a teenager who used to point fingers at people who did drugs and though little of them. At some point (around 20) I grew up and realized that the whole social structure thing with drugs was bullshit. From there I started social drinking and pot. That went on for years. Then life got busy. I had to get a job where I had to think allot so the pot died off totally. Then so did the drinking. I have to admit, I miss it terribly! ROFLMAO. I was at a boat party one time and “it” showed up. Realized, “you know, I miss this!!!!” If I ever made it rich, I would be bare assed on a white sand beach somewhere and probably stoned! But, if you are trying to make it in life, still,,,, it hinders things too much. At least for me.
eltsacon wrote: I'll throw my two cents in here. I was at a boat party one time and “it” showed up. Realized, “you know, I miss this!!!!” If I ever made it rich, I would be bare assed on a white sand beach somewhere and probably stoned! But, if you are trying to make it in life, still,,,, it hinders things too much. At least for me.
Hell yeah! I'm with you on all of the above! and then some. (I actually used to be in to deep)
If I could have all that I have now I would live the way that I did before, but it just doesn't work that way. Bummer for sure...but what I have now is definitely better.
Dance like no one is watching, and love like you've never been hurt.
I found out that pot can't be a habit. I could spend that money on my kids or myself and have something. Add up a years worth of pot buying and you would be surprised.
Shit! Thats nothing compaired to regular smoking. Hell, or buying gas to just drive around. No, anymore if you try to base what you do on the money factor, you will find yourself living in a cardboard box in an alley just for the point of it all. So, at some point I quit using $$$ as a basis of how I live. If I have it and want to do something, I do it. If I don't, then I don't. Sometimes it sucks, sometimes it works out.
I agree. I choose to spend my money elsewhere now. I smoked pot from 16 years of age. Everyday. I guess after a while I just got burnt out on it. The same with alcohol. I am 30 and I guess that shit just got old. Plus I pretty much quit gettin stoned off of anything. Weed got shitty, and the price went up. Fuck that. I will just smoke evryone elses pot.
I agree. I choose to spend my money elsewhere now. I smoked pot from 16 years of age. Everyday. I guess after a while I just got burnt out on it. The same with alcohol. I am 30 and I guess that shit just got old. Plus I pretty much quit gettin stoned off of anything. Weed got shitty, and the price went up. Fuck that. I will just smoke evryone elses pot.
I tried a few things in high school and early college...... curiosity. I wasnt impressed and didnt feel great. Getting high and eating until i felt ill just wasnt fun....then having to explain to my mother why my eyes were red and glassy was not a cup of tea, either.
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
I remeber the first time I ever got stoned. I was some really good weed and it plowed my ass. I couldn't hold my head up. My step dad (who was a pot head) was fuckin with me and trying to make me clean my room and shit cause he knew I was high. He never told my mom though.
A very long time ago, in a place far far away,,,, I got pulled over while totally gone. That fucked with me soooo bad I promised myself never to do it in public or the like again.