eltsacon wrote: Though I will say, the more numbers to work with, the better. :)
That's all I wanted to hear. In an ideal, un-chaotic universe, yes asking 4 people would work.
Fair enough. Guess I left a dot out for you... LOL, though I must admit, by the nature of this “argument”, I am beginning to suspect that your voting probably fit the statistics. :) (which is to say, you are overall happy with the outcome)????????
My voting never fits the statistics, and my candidates rarely win. I think I jinx them. Kind of like if I'm in the vacinity of a football game, and whoever I pick loses.
I vote for Santa Clause. I figure NOTHING he says CAN be real anyway. He only works 1 day a year so he can't break too much, and he likes to give out free shit he pulls out of his ass!!!! Seems perfect to me!!!!!!!!!!
Wait...you dont vote? Who was just bitching about not being able to smoke in public, recently.......DAMN! WOMAN......dont bitch if you dont even vote!
That bugs me when women dont vote...I dont care about men; they have had the right to vote forever.......we worked our little asses off to get out and work and vote if we want to.......
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
Shit! i would rather have the fucking mafia run the country than these assholes who call themselves politicians there to serve the people! Serve the people my ass....they are wolves who pray on the feeble minded sheep!
And your point is???? Don't have one? Well then shut up and I'll give you one!
KatScratch wrote: Shit! i would rather have the fucking mafia run the country than these assholes who call themselves politicians there to serve the people! Serve the people my ass....they are wolves who pray on the feeble minded sheep!
Well, yeah...I kind of agree with you there...but at least vote and write in a candidate!
I voted for someone out of my normal party, knowing she probably wouldnt win, but that is who I wanted to be in office. She lost, but I can say I tried!
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
corruption in govt. runs so deep, who's to say it counted anyway? Boxing matches are rigged all the time, people are frammed and sentenced for crimes they didn't commit??? You think there is "fair play" in politics????? We as a country are so far off the beateen path it doesn't matter....the sheep out number the people who really "get it" and there for the people will always get fucked!
And your point is???? Don't have one? Well then shut up and I'll give you one!
That bugs me when women dont vote...I dont care about men; they have had the right to vote forever.......we worked our little asses off to get out and work and vote if we want to.......
Men voting, women voting...please don't jump the femi-nazi fence on me....it doesn't matter what the gender is voting they are still sheep voting away their freedom because they have been brain washed into believing some "politician" really gives a shit and will do the bullshit he promises just to get into an office! I don't expect miracles from govt., that isn't their purpose. We as people used to be capable of making decisions for ourselves, not anymore though....we would rather have some political asshole who don't know us from a rock in the road to make decisions for us! Sheep....mindless fucking sheep!
And your point is???? Don't have one? Well then shut up and I'll give you one!
That bugs me when women dont vote...I dont care about men; they have had the right to vote forever.......we worked our little asses off to get out and work and vote if we want to.......
Men voting, women voting...please don't jump the femi-nazi fence on me....it doesn't matter what the gender is voting they are still sheep voting away their freedom because they have been brain washed into believing some "politician" really gives a shit and will do the bullshit he promises just to get into an office! I don't expect miracles from govt., that isn't their purpose. We as people used to be capable of making decisions for ourselves, not anymore though....we would rather have some political asshole who don't know us from a rock in the road to make decisions for us! Sheep....mindless fucking sheep!
you know, sometimes I remember why I married you!!!! ROFLMAO!!!
That bugs me when women dont vote...I dont care about men; they have had the right to vote forever.......we worked our little asses off to get out and work and vote if we want to.......
That bugs me when women dont vote...I dont care about men; they have had the right to vote forever.......we worked our little asses off to get out and work and vote if we want to.......
Men voting, women voting...please don't jump the femi-nazi fence on me....it doesn't matter what the gender is voting they are still sheep voting away their freedom because they have been brain washed into believing some "politician" really gives a shit and will do the bullshit he promises just to get into an office! I don't expect miracles from govt., that isn't their purpose. We as people used to be capable of making decisions for ourselves, not anymore though....we would rather have some political asshole who don't know us from a rock in the road to make decisions for us! Sheep....mindless fucking sheep!
BAAAAAA! Well, the do something about it instead of spending time in here calling us sheep for voting and then bitching about not being able to smoke in public!
If I didnt like you so much, I would give you and E-con a one way ticket out of here.....no problem.
I am going to vote......that way I can bitch about the winner I didnt vote for without sounding like a fucking hypocrite.
Do something about it.......Change the world ......
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." -Cicero
Once the sheep are done grazing the land, it is unfit for anything else to pasture in it and prosper for quite some time. (true agricultural fact)
BTW....I didn't call all voters sheep. Sheep are the 75% that believe those stupid commercials the politicians use to brain wash them into believing they are good for something. People who read the actual issues as written and submitted are the remaining 25% who vote hoping to improve something.
And your point is???? Don't have one? Well then shut up and I'll give you one!
Once the sheep are done grazing the land, it is unfit for anything else to pasture in it and prosper for quite some time. (true agricultural fact)
BTW....I didn't call all voters sheep. Sheep are the 75% that believe those stupid commercials the politicians use to brain wash them into believing they are good for something. People who read the actual issues as written and submitted are the remaining 25% who vote hoping to improve something.