Leonid Meteor Shower 2006 -- When, Where, and Why by Melanie Melton Knocke November 13, 2006 The nights and early morning hours of November 17-19 mark the return of the Leonid meteor shower to the skies of Earth. Will it be worth your while to get outside and take a look? Well, that depends on which expert you listen to and where you live. For the most part, this year's Leonid's display should be a pretty typical meteor shower. Just days away from New Moon, the sky will be free of moonlight so viewers should be able to see as many as 20 faint, fast-moving meteors per hour during its peak (the evening of November 17, early morning of November 18). However, unlike a typical meteor shower, astronomers are predicting an unusual "outburst" of meteor activity late November 18 - early November 19 (the date it occurs depends on where you live). Viewers along the northeastern coast of the United States and Canada, as well as people in Europe and western Africa might get to see a possible "outburst" of as many as 100-600 meteors per hour. This spike in activity is predicted for 11:45 p.m. - 1:33 a.m. EST on November 18-19 (4:45 - 6:33 UT on November 19).
Pretty cool... I wonder if I can see them tomorrow.
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game"
Buttercup wrote: No genitals are allowed in the non-restricted areas. You posted that picture in a couple of threads in the "adult" areas already, you know.
Yeah and I view that picture in my head at least once a week
A monday morning lunatic disturbed from time to time...