I haven't had as much as a sniffle in years, my secret?
Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Echinacea, and OJ. (Lots of vitamin E, BTW)
I drink lots of OJ every morning while I am at work. I usually take a 1 gallon OJ container with me to drink. All my coworkers laugh at me but I don't care.
What is Echinacea? Does it taste gross?
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game"
I depend on vitamins too. (Unfortunately, orange juice has too many calories for my fat ass.) I have lots of hand-to-hand and close-to-face contact where I don't get to wash my hands, and I never use hand sanitizer. I get sick maybe once every four years, and then I have very mild symptoms.
I worry about what I've heard regarding people having too little exposure to germs and therefore making themselves more vulnerable, so I feel a lot more comfortable with vitamins. I guess we each have to do what works for us.
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time. - Green Day
Echinacea is very good or at least I think so. I take the kind with vitamin C added. Some say it helps to keep you from getting a cold, who knows? Works for me.
It does not taste bad, it comes in a capsule or liquid if you prefer, I take the capsules, don't know how the liquid tastes.